Daadkhah help Afghanistan more freedom.
- Industry
- Political
- Location
- Afghanistan
- Goals
- We are on a mission to reduce violence, bullying, hazing and suicide among young Australians and the wider community by actively promoting harm prevention.
- Type
- Petition Platform
- Website
- https://daadkhah.org
- Established
- 2019
Products used
The most completed Petition Platform WordPress Theme
December 12, 2019 a petition “German and Dutch police must investigate Halim Tanwir’s racist and misogynistic remarks” launch on Daadkhah. The purpose of this petition is to ensure that racist and anti-feminist statements are not unanswered by well-known Afghan political figures, both at home and abroad. These people, in whatever position they are, must realize that they can no longer incite racism and hatred under any pretext. This petition quickly received more than 12,000 signatures from the community. It is just an example of the active petitions on the Daadkhah site. A website is using Campoal to change Afghanistan for the better and more freely.

Daadkhah is a platform or system for filing individual or collective petitions. The overall goal of this system is to recognize social and political activism in Afghanistan; Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have a tremendous impact on helping citizens to express themselves and engage in virtual campaigns. But these networks do not have the necessary mechanism to formalize serious campaigns or campaigns. In other words, citizens’ opinions and voices are not translated into statistics, and therefore, campaigns on social media can rarely be turned into statistics and documents that can be considered in administrative processes.

The plaintiff platform transforms citizens’ opinions and wishes into specific statistics and traceable documents in national and international administrative processes by formally registering a petition and collecting the signatures and actual opinions of petition supporters. Another advantage of filing a petition and collecting signatures is that the media can better cover the issue; Because it is clear in the petition what the purpose is and the number of signatories also shows exactly how many people and for what reasons supported the petition.
The management of the litigation system allows activists and civil society organizations to convert the names, signatures and opinions of individuals into official documents in PDF format (or printed) و and use it as a valid document in administrative processes. Verification of these documents, if necessary, is technically possible and therefore can be relied on with confidence in administrative processes.
Social media plays a vital role in informing about campaigns. Activists can share the petition on social media and attract sponsors.
Attempts have been made to design Dadkhah’s website as simple as possible so that it can be used easily and quickly by both civil society activists and institutions, as well as supporters. It takes less than a minute to file a pre-prepared petition and to have a petition signed by the sponsor.
The plaintiff is merely an independent, non-profit system for filing lawsuits against citizens and civil society activists and other organizations. This website is not responsible for the promotion or follow-up of the lawsuits or their failure. The validity of the success of a lawsuit also belongs to the registrants and supporters of that lawsuit. Dadkhah website aims to facilitate advocacy for ordinary citizens and civil society activists, to recognize the process of activism in Afghanistan, and to promote public access to justice and legal and social equality. The plaintiff website reserves the right to remove petitions that are found to be in violation of human rights standards or to spread racism and hatred. Petitions will usually be published after reviewing and approving their content.
The media of Nebsht, Hasht Sobh and Rooz-e-Rooz are the main supporters of this initiative. Other independent media outlets can also join the litigation under these conditions. The support of the supporting media simply means emphasizing the need for the existence and operation of this system in Afghanistan and does not mean endorsing the views and goals reflected in the petitions.
The Dadkhah website was created in memory of the Japanese aid worker and honorary citizen of Afghanistan after the December 2019 terrorist attack in Jalalabad that killed Dr. Tetsu Nakamura and five of his Afghan colleagues.