Customer success story

Young Women Stand Against Prejudice (STAND)

United State
STAND creates a space for highschool-age girls to take political action against the systematic oppression and discrimination in America—making a difference in their communities and nation.
Social Movement

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The most completed Petition Platform WordPress Theme

Founded by high school students Ayla Gordon-Mandel and Angelita Chew, Young Women Stand Against Prejudice (STAND) empowers young women in the fight against bigotry and inequality. Whether the unjust policies be on the basis of race, disability, gender, or sexual orientation, STAND equip young women with the proper tools and knowledge to forge change. STAND creates a space for highschool-age girls to take political action against the systematic oppression and discrimination in America—making a difference in their communities and nation.

The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It’s beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska

Head of IT department

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