3.35K viewsFeaturescanoikal comments

How do you show the petition comments on different pages of the website? Thanks

Conikal Answered question August 31, 2021

You can try this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/comments-shortcode/

Ike Cypux Posted new comment September 13, 2021

Thanks for the recommendation, I gave it a try it only shows the button to sign in to post a comment. It would have been best if you have recent petition blocks or widgets you can show on any page available with the Conikal theme. The default WordPress recent comments widget only displays the username and page links. No comments are visible. Thank you

Sure, I will develop it right now.

Thank you for that.

Please is there any updates on this plugin? Thanks

The new version just released, please check update on Update page

Here is changelog:
Added date time of signature list
Added supporter list display style option
Added language selection to header menu
Added submit button custom icon option
Added top menu
Added color options
Added Petition archive page
Added membership page
Added count animation
Added start petition button option
Added 2 Factor Authentication
Added border radius option
Added cookie notice toast style
Added custom color in email template
Added comment shortcode
Added mobile logo option
Added display fundraising only option
Added hide closed petition option
Fixed donation bugs
Fixed citation issue
Fixed intive co author email
Fixed redirection when click on submit petition
Fixed shop header
Fixed display vote citation when petition closed
Fixed donation number on shortcode
Integrated Polylang
Integrated WeDocs
Integrated Awesome Support
Integrated Job listing
Integrated SendinBlue API v3 upgrate
Integrated GTranslate
Redesign WooCommerce checkout page

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  • Views3348 times
  • Answers1 answer