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The most completed Petition Platform WordPress Theme a petition platform in France is against the Corrida bullfights. Seek justice for a dog poisoned with poison.

Pétizaction is an online petitions site that allows citizens, who wish to defend an idea, launch a movement and mobilize behind a cause, to make their voice heard and unite hundreds of thousands of other people behind their action.

We make our tools and know-how available to you free of charge to enable the development of movements that are important for the future of our society and our world.

We are at the beginning of history and you can write it with us … The rest is up to you.

Pétizaction Home page
Pétizaction Single Petition with 746 signatures

The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It’s beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska

Head of IT department

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