Customer success story

Stay Kind

Sydney, Australia
We are on a mission to reduce violence, bullying, hazing and suicide among young Australians and the wider community by actively promoting harm prevention.
Social Movement

Products used


The most completed Petition Platform WordPress Theme

Stay Kind used Campoal to calling people Pledge their Kindness to protect young people like Thomas, killed by one punch at 18. Following the tragic death of his younger brother Stuart, also at 18, the Foundation evolved and became a national movement of kindness. Stay Kind are more determined than ever to keep their youth safe through a kinder Australia.

Who we are

We started as a Family Foundation to protect young people like Thomas, killed by one punch at 18. Following the tragic death of his younger brother Stuart, also at 18, the Foundation evolved and became a national movement of kindness. We are more determined than ever to keep our youth safe through a kinder Australia.

Stay Kind homepage

Founded by Ralph Kelly is the father of Stuart and Thomas. Initially with the support of a friend, he and Kathy Kelly founded the Thomas Kelly Youth Foundation. Now as CEO of Stay Kind, Ralph has pro-actively campaigned for behavioral change in the community in relation to violence, bullying, hazing and suicide. He has also advocated for social support for victims of violence as well as violence protection.  Ralph’s work has resulted in the provision of Take Kare Safe Spaces in the Sydney CBD, a Financial Hardship Victim Support program through the Department of Justice, a UNSW research study of the Take Kare Safe Spaces and the development of the Take Kare app in partnership with UTS.  Notably the Take Kare Safe Space program has recorded over 67 000 incidents of assistance since December 2014.  Ralph voluntarily oversees the Take Kare program initiatives, day to day operations of Stay Kind as well as the relationship management of all stakeholders.

Justin Greiner was appointed CEO of JBWere in February 2014. JBWere is a leading private wealth management and investment firm in Australia and New Zealand, providing a wide range of investment, advisory and philanthropic services. JBWere has more than $60b in Funds Under Advice and has over 500 employees.

Justin is Chairman of Stay Kind and a Director of the Financial Industry Community Aid Program (FICAP). Previous board positions include President of the Harvard Club of Australia, Director of The Institute of Bone and Joint Research and Director of Youngcare Sydney Advisory Board.

Currently Stay Kind is a partner of 20 organizations

Stay Kind Partners

Kindness is the true currency of humanity. Each and everyone of us benefits when giving or receiving an act of kindness. As a youth centric organisation we see national kindness ultimately benefiting our youth and keeping them safe from bullying, violence, hazing and suicide.

Pledge Kindness

We are on a mission to reduce violence, bullying, hazing and suicide among young Australians and the wider community by actively promoting harm prevention.

Kindness is not just a nice idea or a conversation, it’s something you do. Kindness is an action that makes the world a better place for everyone; the person being kind, and the person receiving the act of kindness. Because every time you do a simple act of kindness for someone, your own well-being and happiness increases. Fact.

Kindness in our nature. It’s how we’re wired, it’s who we are, and it’s what we do. “STAY KIND” is a call-to-action for that kindness to be ever-present in our everyday actions and lives.

The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It’s beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska

Head of IT department

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