4.43K viewsFeaturescampoal commission

On this page https://www.conikal.com/campoal/ … it mentions commissions in the Pro plan. How do they work and in what ways can they be customized? Is it basically that our nonprofit can charge users a commission fee if they set up a petition via our website and they receive donations? If yes, that’s ok … we probably won’t use that feature because we probably won’t let users create their own petitions.

Long Ha Answered question March 24, 2021

The commission is a service fee set by platform owner, they can set by percent value on Dashboard > Campoal > Fundraising. When a donation is made for platform owner, the fee will be reduce amount the campaign owner can be receice. Campaign owner can submit Withdraw requestion for platform owner get their money any time.

– You can customize for
1. Button label https://tppr.me/uCxPy
2. Level badge https://tppr.me/UsIg4
3. Commission and minium payout https://tppr.me/TpJhs

You can test it on our back-end demo

user: demo
pass: demo

Long Ha Answered question March 24, 2021

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