16.24K viewsEmaildecision maker receiver
  1. What is difference between Receiver and Decision Maker?
  2. How does decision maker/receiver find out about petition to act on it?
  3. Does each signature (with action letter) get emailed to receiver/decision maker?
  4. Please clarify how this works
Haytham Al-Rabeah Answered question November 26, 2023

This is the same question I have. Decision maker will obviously not be on the platform. How are emails sent out?

Haytham Al-Rabeah Answered question November 26, 2023

1. Receicer actually is Decision Maker.

2. An email sent to decision maker if they have account on site allowed them response as an update to petition.

3. Yes. An email sent to decision maker when every supporters signed.

4. Petition Started. Supporter sign petition to reach the goal. Decision maker reponse to petition on website with an email sent to all supporters.

Nixx Posted new comment July 14, 2022

What if receiver / decision maker does not have account? How would they ever know about each signer of petition? Is there a way for petition creator to add the decision maker’s email address so they are notified about petition signing?

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