Customer success story

Petition Watch

United State
Mission is to cultivate productive legislation while protecting our Constitution well into the future.
Petition Platform

Products used


The most completed Petition Platform WordPress Theme

Petition Watch is an organization of Responsible Activism and our Mission is to cultivate productive legislation while protecting our Constitution well into the future. As quickly as politicians disregard our rights, we must be more responsive and poignant. When an issue surfaces, we spring into action and write petitions on the matter for immediate publishing.  When a campaign has been published we notify our subscribers and followers. If it’s an issue important to you, we ask you to consider signing it’s petition and share it with others who do the same. As soon as we have the required signatures, we deliver the petition to those in office who have influence given the circumstances.

We ask you join us by registering on site, subscribing to notifications and following us social media platforms while you share us with your friends!

We are the People, if we are without an effective voice in Washington D.C. our rights will continue to fall on deaf ears of abusive politics.

When elected officials fail to listen to the majority of their constituency they have failed their Oath of Office. Our mission identifies these officials and assures us our voice is heard.

The template is really nice and offers quite a large set of options. It’s beautiful and the coding is done quickly and seamlessly. Thank you!

Maria Muszynska

Head of IT department

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